
Tenets are my principles or doctrines that I aim to live my life by. By nature these change over time as priorities in my life change, I grow as a person, or when something is not benefiting or working towards a positive goal. I am following an OKR format to make this more tangible as I work through the tenet progression of Hypothesis, Pattern, and Philosophy. An Hypothesis is something that I have theory about and am looking to prove out one way or another. If an Hypothesis is proven true, it becomes a Pattern that I add to my routine and establish on a more integrated level. If patterns prove to be valuable over a long period of time, then they become a Principle as something that is present and accounted for in my decision making, both actively and passively.

2023 Personal OKRs

Note: I wrote more about these goals if you are curious about the "why" or some of the specific numbers.

Objective: Invest more in myself

  1. Read 12 books with completed write-ups on GitHub
  2. Invest 21% of net income
  3. Increase disposable income by 10% by reducing expenses and subscription services
  4. Complete a meditation session on every "T"

Objective: Reduce reliance on modern conveniences

  1. Drive to work no more than 1 time per month
  2. 50% of completed books were first published before the 1900s
  3. One meal per week uses something from our garden (during the growing season)
  4. Use only reclaimed water for the garden

Objective: Take proactive steps to improve the world

  1. Abate 5 of the 10 biggest energy hogs in our household
  2. Explore 12 new local trails or parks
  3. Volunteer 4 times with local outdoor-focused groups
  4. Directly fund and/or invest in 3 carbon abatement or reduction projects

OKR Reviews

  1. Mid Year 2023
  2. 2022 Yearly Results
  3. 2021 Yearly Results

Established Principles

Something I have whole-heartedly bought into and is a driving influence in all of my active and passive decision making.

NOTE: You can find the previous format of tenets in the archive section
