Review of The 99% Invisible City
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I've been listening to the 99% Invisible podcast for quite some time and received this book for Christmas last year. It's a tough book to read straight through because the format is a bunch of semi-connected short blurbs about things in the world you either don't recognize or don't realize exist (or the reasons behind them). It focuses pretty heavy on design and architecture as that is the roots of the show, but there are some great gems in here! Would strongly recommend reading and think this is the perfect "coffee table" book that you can pick up, open to a random page, and learn fascinating details about the world around you.
Some highlights/thoughts from my reading: 1. Literally every part of this book could fall into this section because it is filled with intersting and fascinating details cover to cover 2. I feel like you could build a movie around each of these chapters like a heist or National Treasure type movie with Knox Boxes being a key plot point. 3. Loved this quote: "Cities might not always function as smoothly as we might wish, but given the number of different people working to keep them going, it's pretty amazing that they work at all". 4. Stopping here as I could just copy/paste the entire book into this section