Review of News of The World
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I did a poor job of note taking for this book but it is a pretty fast read overall. The main character, Captain Kidd, is responsible for shepherding a young girl that was captured by a Native American tribe from northern Texas to southern Texas to be reunited with her extended family. There are adventures and discoveries along the way about themselves and the storytelling is pretty engaging overall. There was one part in particular that resonated strongly with me:
"Maybe life is just carrying the news. Survivng to carry the news. Maybe we have just one message, and it is delivered to us when we are born and we are never sure what it says; it may have nothing to do with us personally but it must be carried by hand through a life, all the way, and at the end handed over, sealed.
I saw that this is now a movie on Netflix staring Tom Hanks as Captain Kidd and upon seeing that I realized I had been picturing Tom Hanks as this character all along. Perfect casting.