July 2023 OKR Review
Mid-year check-in on the status and tracking for my personal OKRs to apply some accountability for making progress towards the goal. I have missed the monthly check-ins this year (for various reasons) so am hoping to keep this at quarterly or bare minimum every 6 months.
Current OKRs
Objective: Invest more in myself
Read 12 books with completed write-ups on GitHub
- Status: 3/12 books completed (25% of goal)
- Notes: Way behind for the year so far having finished 3 books (The Infinite Game, The Civilized Engineer, Do Hard Things) with 2 more in progress.
Invest 21% of net income
- Status: 19.6% aggregate for 6 months (93% of goal)
- Notes: This hasn't been very consistent month-to-month, but the overall has been pretty close to the target.
Increase disposable income by 10% by reducing expenses and subscription services
- Status: 1.7% aggregate for 6 months (17% of goal)
- Notes: I am set up to cut the cable cord this month so that will bring this number up a bit.
Complete a meditation session on every "T"
- Status: 0.7 sessions per week (35% of goal)
- Notes: I've been decent about getting 1 session per week, virtually no double sessions and they aren't aligning to the "T"s
Objective: Reduce reliance on modern conveniences
Drive to work no more than 1 time per month
- Status: 2.8 times per month on average (
- Notes: I have been much better about taking the shuttles to/from work now that traffic has gotten much worse. This number should drop significantly going forward if I continue to leverage the shuttles.
50% of completed books were first published before the 1900s
- Status: 0 books completed (0% of goal)
- Notes: One book is in progress but its been a slow read and quite a slog to get through it.
One meal per week uses something from our garden (during the growing season)
- Status: 0.2 meals per week (10%)
- Notes: If we say the growing season started in May, then the number is 0.2. However, only the green onions and mint have been available so far with zucchini, tomatoes, and cucumbers still coming in.
Use only reclaimed water for the garden
- Status: 0 reclaimed water used (0% of the goal)
- Notes: I haven't purchased or setup the water reclaimer and it is kind of pointless now during the summers when there is no rain.
Objective: Take proactive steps to improve the world
Abate 5 of the 10 biggest energy hogs in our household
- Status: 1 of 5 abated (20% of goal)
- Notes: Using a local recycling group to properly recycle our plastic wrappers and stryofoam
Explore 12 new local trails or parks
- Status: 0 new trails or parks (0% of goal)
- Notes: I was hit with the injury bug so my running and exploring has been reduced and limited to stuff close by in case the injury flares up.
Volunteer 4 times with local outdoor-focused groups
- Status: 0 outdoor-focused volunteering (0% of goal)
- Notes: I signed up to volunteer at an ultra race, but they ended up not neededing me
Directly fund and/or invest in 3 carbon abatement or reduction projects
- Status: 1 investment (33% of goal)
- Notes: I've invested in 1 company so far through AngelList. Still looking and evaluating any additional opportunties.