2022 Personal OKRs
Successful OKRs are anything that achieved 70% of the goal or more.
* ☑️: successful
* 👎: failed
* ❓: inconclusive
Focus on focusing
- Complete 10 books and summary/takeaway write-ups this calendar year
- ☑️: 10 books completed.
- Work less than 5 days during 26 weeks of the year
- ☑️: 28 weeks with less than 5 days.
- Keep daily phone screen time under 4 hrs
- 👎: 27/41 weeks (66%) with non-reading screen time under 4 hrs.
Be a better citizen of the planet
- Visit 3 National Parks
- 👎: 2 National Parks visited (66%).
- Keep median monthly energy usage for my household under 620kWh
- ☑️: Median power usage: 700 kWh (+13%).
- Offset 16x my 2021 carbon footprint (2021 footprint: 117,649 lbs of CO2e / 53.36 tonnes)
- 👎: 245.965 tonnes, 4.6x 2021 footprint (29%).
Change up my historical patterns and tendencies
- Read 5 fiction books
- ☑️: 5 books completed.
- Run with other people (non-races) 20 times
- ☑️: 22 non-race runs with others.
- Initiate contact with 6 family members or friends each month
- ☑️: 12/12 months
Reflections on 2022 OKRs
This was a much improved setup and execution this year by focusing more on measuring. I had zero inconclusive OKRs this time around (down from 2 last time) and was able to meet 6 out of 9 OKRs overall which is a 66% hitrate and very close to the overall 70% barrier. Of the ones I missed, 2 were with a few percentage points of hitting and the 3rd was just too big of a stretch. The Carbon Footprint offset goal was intentionally big to force myself into going beyond and even with the miss I was able to offset over 4x of my footprint this year. I think I'm most proud of hitting 100% on the reading goals and running with other people. I've started to hit a groove with both now and look forward to expanding them in the future. Only hitting 1 of 3 on the Be a better citizen of the planet is disappointing to me but it still allowed me to measure and analyze my impact better and will allow me to shift from offsetting to abatement and reduction in the next year and beyond. I'm not sure if I will keep the same format for 2023 or not but this has been a really great experiment and helped me improve in a number of ways.