2021 Personal OKRs
Successful OKRs are anything that achieved 70% of the goal or more.
* ✅: successful
* 👎: failed
* ❓: inconclusive
Be more focused
- Complete 10 books and summary/takeaway write-ups this calendar year
- ✅ 9/10 books completed
- Write 1 new blog post per month
- 👎 0.5 posts per month (50% achieved)
- Maintain 30% focus time (2+ hour blocks) at work per week
- 👎 20.84% focus time (69.5% achieved)
Become a better friend and family member
- Connect with 5 friends per week
- ❓ Unable to keep hard metrics on this (anecdotally failed)
- Connect with 2 family members per week
- ❓ Unable to keep hard metrics on this (anecdotally achieved)
- Connect with 2 new co-workers per month
- ✅ 11.25 people per month
Explore the natural world to gain better perspective on the planet
- 1 10k+ trail run per week and 2 first-time trails per month
- ✅ Achieved
- Visit 3 National Parks
- 👎 2/3 National Parks (66.6% achieved)
- Know history and present-day leadership for 3 Native American tribes
- 👎 Unknown leadership for Native American Tribes
Reflections on 2021 OKRs
This was a good first attempt at this process and helped make OKRs more clear to me. I missed a few of these by not having a great way to measure the result from the beginning, should be easy to correct going forward. The other misses were from not meeting the metric and the monthly reviews provide some detail as to why I was unable to meet it. The OKRs I successfully completed were all things I was intentionally working at and striving to do more of -- Read, Network, and Run -- so it's not surprising those were successful. A couple close misses with Focus Time, National Parks, and Blogging -- 3 things I strived for (valuing my time, travel, and writing down my thoughts) but was ultimately willing to sacrifice for other areas. For 2022 I'm wondering if there is a way to frame as "Will do", "Should do", and "Would like to do" to make my compromises clearer and more honest.