April 2021 OKR Review
Status review for OKRs to apply some accountability for making progress towards the goal.
Current OKRs
Be more focused
Complete 10 books and summary/takeaway write-ups this calendar year
- Status: 2 books completed (20% of goal), 2 books still in progress.
- Completed Books: Accelerate, News Of The World
Write 1 new blog post per month
- Status: 2 blog posts (.66 posts per month)
- January: 0 posts, February: 2 posts (#LetsGreenTheWeb initiative, Sustainability in Site Reliability Engineering), March: 0 posts, April: 0 posts.
Maintain 30% focus time (2+ hour blocks) at work per week
- Status: Have not met the 30% bar yet, April is tracking under but seeing more consistency at the 20% level.
Date | Focus Time % |
Jan 3-9 | 21.11% |
Jan 10-16 | 22.22% |
Jan 17-23 | 18.06% |
Jan 24-30 | 25.56% |
Jan 31-Feb 6 | 20.00% |
Feb 7-Feb 13 | 14.44% |
Feb 14-Feb 20 | 0.00% |
Feb 21-Feb 27 | 22.22% |
Feb 28-Mar 6 | 27.78% |
Mar 7-Mar 13 | 8.89% |
Mar 14-Mar 20 | 24.44% |
Mar 21-Mar 27 | 20.00% |
Mar 28-Apr 3 | 0.00% |
Apr 4-Apr 10 | 20.00% |
Apr 11-Apr 17 | 20.00% |
Become a better friend and family member
Connect with 5 friends per week
- Status: No hard metrics, qualitatively falling away from the bar this month with extra pressure and time from the work side.
- COVID vaccinations, March Madness/sports, Spring time, and travel opening up have had positive influence.
Connect with 2 family members per week
- Status: Missed 1 week in February, and 2 weeks in April.
Connect with 2 new co-workers per month
- Status: 22 people in April. Average of 5 per month for Jan/Feb/Mar.
- Project that involves meeting and talking everyone in an on-call rotation has drastically improved these numbers.
Explore the natural world to gain better perspective on the planet
- 1 10k+ trail run per week and 2 first-time trails per month
- Status: Distance goal met for April, still working on first-time trails. Successful in January and March, unsuccessful in February due to hamstring injury and no running for 4-6 weeks.
- Visit 3 National Parks
- Status: 1 National Park visited.
- Know history and present-day leadership for 3 Native American tribes
- Status: Continued reading about Coast Salish on various reference websites. Looking into Confederate Tribes of Warm Springs and Peroria next.